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Floris Hovers Creates Playable Design Objects for IKONIC

Since prehistoric times, the urge to play has been a fundamental aspect of human nature. Games and toys, often without a specific purpose, provide pure fun and entertainment, offering an escape from the mundane confines of daily life. Floris Hovers has tapped into this intrinsic need with a series of toys designed for the Dutch brand IKONIC, merging functionality with whimsy to make this routine action more joyful and conscious. These ‘playable design objects’ stand out in the market due to Hovers’ unique artistic vision, which harmonizes form, composition, and color.

Hovers’ creations range from a DIY kit that transforms an old shampoo bottle into a delightful toy boat, to a set of architectural blocks that invite endless creativity. The collection also features a modern take on the nativity scene, complete with a wooden baby Jesus, and a limited edition mechanical crane fitted with a clothes peg. Each piece embodies a playful spirit while reflecting Hovers’ practical design philosophy, creating not just toys, but artful objects that elevate everyday moments.

Elevating Everyday Moments with Playful Design

Toys have always been a part of human culture. As early as the early 20th century, professional designers were involved in their creation, from the Bauhaus block set and chess game (1923), to the elephants by Charles and Ray Eames for Vitra. More recently, the Puppy by Eero Aarnio for Magis aimed to depict a dog as children illustrate their beloved pets.

The appeal of the playable world remains strong, not only to Eames and Aarnio but also to designers collaborating with IKONIC. Floris Hovers notes that the demand for traditional toys is increasing, especially those made from recycled, recyclable, or otherwise sustainable materials. Design toys are gaining prominence, and people are increasingly valuing the durability of good design. High-quality objects become timeless and sustainable, as what you don’t throw away doesn’t need to be recycled. Many design objects also tend to increase in value over time, making them even more attractive, as Hovers points out.


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